StellwerkSim - my projects

Here are some information of my work for "StellwerkSim" published:


Project Description Contributors Status Progress

HGK Vorgebirgsbahn Nord

After restructuring complete new signal box

fablu97, Hundertdreier, anerna, schimmi trains complete 80 %

HGK Rheinuferbahn

After restructuring complete new signal box

fablu97, Hundertdreier, anerna, schimmi trains complete 80 %

Railway line Oberhausen - Emmerich

Finishing construction work of Wesel and Emmerich

DevonFrosch, fablu97, suedgro, Superleondeluxe

done 100 %

Redesign Holzwickede



signal box in construction 15 %


Explanation to Progress:

setting up signal box done: 20%
trains set up: 60%
test done: 80%
signal box visible: 100%

Further ideas (no guarantee for realisation):

There are currently no further ideas